With the sudden rise of AI and complex technologies, and the instant impact that these have had on society, a timely exploration of this through theatre is bound to be of interest. Disruption at Park Theatre does just that, as a thriller play about a group of friends who want to test the algorithms to see how far it can go, and whether computers can go beyond what the human mind can comprehend.
Appearing in the show, It's a Sin star, Nathaniel Curtis, has answered a few questions about the production, and spoken a little about his other career highlights too.
Can you tell us a bit about your role in Disruption, and why taking on the part is important to you?
I play the character Ben. Ben is a Philosophy professor at Columbia who has a heartbreaking secret. What I loved about the play is how relevant it is, but also how human it is; it’s a play about the adaptation of AI but it’s very much led by human emotions.
Why did it interest you to be involved in a thriller, and how does it draw in audiences?
Everyone loves a thriller, they’re exciting and engaging. What was particularly fascinating about this script was how current it is, how frighteningly close it is to today’s society.
How does the show act as a cautionary warning about the rise of AI technology and its anticipated change to our lives?
I think the biggest caution this play displays is how quickly AI is evolving. The idea of technology creating coincidence and playing with decisions that should be made by humans is terrifying.
Has the play made you consider your online presence more, and how do you think AI will alter the arts industry in the future?
Oh it’s absolutely made me consider my relationship with technology in general. I’ve never been very good with it and now I’m even more averse to it. I think that the question isn’t even about how AI will affect the arts in the future- it’s happening right now. The strikes in America, Chat GPT, the rise of AI art being used to replace art from human artists. We need to be so careful.
Can you discuss your journey into acting, and why is it something you're passionate about?
My journey into acting is quite standard, to be honest; I left school and went to Drama school, then into years of hard work and auditions. It’s always been something that interests me, I remember watching old musicals with my family and being completely enthralled. I love [the] electricity that runs through my body when I’m performing, there’s no feeling like it.
How did you find working on It's a Sin, and what impact has this had on you, given its huge reception?
It’s A Sin was an experience I’ll never forget. It was such an incredible time of my life, especially for my first screen experience. I learned such valuable lessons on that job and made some of the most amazing friends.
How was the atmosphere on set, and do you have any favourite moments when filming the show that you can share?
The set was always buzzing. Everyone was so fun and funny and kind, it was amazing. The series tackles such hardship that it could have been difficult at times but the amount of respect and talent on that set, both in front of and behind the camera was breathtaking.
It wasn’t on set but the six of us from the friendship group would always go for a Sunday roast, depending on who was up to film. We became a little family and that was so special.
Which works or achievements throughout your career so far are you most proud of, and why?
It’s A Sin, definitely. It was a show that educated people on a time in history that people haven’t talked about in such a long time. I’m proud of all of my work, to be completely honest. I’m fortunate enough to have worked with some really wonderful people on some really extraordinary projects.
What message would you give your younger self, if they could see where you are today?
“Be brave. Have fun. Work hard.”
What a lovely mantra to end on! Many thanks to Nathaniel for your contributions to this - it has been really great to hear from you after admiring your previous work. Very best wishes for the remainder of this run and for all future projects too, keep smashing it!
Get tickets to Disruption here:

Additional thanks to Flavia Fraser-Cannon for coordinating this interview.